Parker ~ Born March 12, 2022 ~3 lbs. 11 oz.
Our story: I went in for a routine doctor’s appointment on Feb. 16th. My blood pressure was high and the doctor suggested I have blood work done. I thought nothing of it, I felt fine (No headache’s, blurred vision, dizziness, seeing spots or feeling faint). My blood pressure is usually a little high as I have “white coat syndrome” (Anything related to doctors and doctor offices and /or hospitals). (The only reason I did not have a home birth is because I was afraid of complications.)I tried explaining this to the doctor (This was the 1st time, I was seeing this doctor.) and I took the stairs vs. the evaluator. (She said, my blood pressure should not be this high.) Prior to this appointment, I had felt completely normal and I told the doctor this as well. I had just made it to the third trimester at 31 weeks, 5 days and my pregnancy was a100% on track for a natural delivery. A natural delivery is what I had been preparing myself for from the beginning and is the reason I signed up for the HypnoBirthing classes with Tiffany.
I received a phone call the next morning (Feb. 17th) at 8 am stating my “lab work came back abnormal and needed to be seen as soon as possible in the office” At 10 am I was seen at the doctor’s office being told to go to the hospital for further blood work and monitoring of myself and the baby for next 8 hrs. After 4 hrs of being monitored (due to high blood pressure) and additional blood work done, the 8hrs turned into staying overnight and at 9 pm the overnight turned into staying in the hospital until I deliver at 34 wks. I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia.
Within 24hrs my pregnancy turned from a natural birth into an early delivery and I was now admitted into the hospital.To keep my anxiety and blood pressure down, I kept going over in my mind “this is the safest place for us and we need to be here”, “we have made it this far, we’re going to be okay”.I used the breathing techniques from class and listened to the Rainbow recording. From the book, I remembered reading “you must be open to your pregnancy not going as you planned” and being able to adapt to the new plan with a calm mind set.
I made it, 1 week in the hospital and delivered Parker at 32 weeks, 5 days by C-section. During that week, my blood pressure was off the charts and could not get it under control with the medications. I was told delivery could be any day and at that point I knew the goal of 34 weeks was out the window. I decided to have a C-section, due to having a bad feeling of trying to have a natural birth (there was a high chance of having an emergency C-section and complications). I consulted with my doctor, regarding my decision for a C-section, she agreed with me and thought I was making the right decision. However, deep down I was truly not ready or mentally prepared to deliver this early in my pregnancy natural or via C-section. But I had no choice and no control over the situation, I just knew I had to make the best decision at the time.
The breathing techniques truly helped me stay calm and in control of what I could control and that was my calmness. Tiffany checked in with me constantly to see how I was doing and offered sessions via zoom while in the hospital. Knowing I still had her support, helped me as well.
Even though my pregnancy did not go as planned, I would do it all over again for my little guy.
Thank you for listening to our birth story. Jenna and Parker
Leo ~ Born March 19, 2022 ~7 lbs. 9 oz. 19” long
Hi Tiffany!!! Eleni and Austin and Leo here 🥰
I wanted to tell you our birth story!! It’s a long one, so bear with us…
I went to bed at 1:30 am on Friday the 18. I woke up with intense cramping at 2:30 but I just thought it was my body preparing. Again I was woken up at 3:30 am, so I decided to time them. They were coming on strong anywhere from 3 minutes, so after a few hours I decided to go into labor and delivery to be checked. They said I was 3 cm and advised me to go home and walk around, relax, and come back when they’re a little more intense since I desired Karmanos.
I went home and after 10 hours the contractions started fizzling off… I was super confused and frustrated because I was just in so much pain for 10 hours. I was really hoping it wasn’t just prodromal labor. A little bit after they slowed down, they picked right back up but the intensity was much more. I tried bathing, napping, listening to my tapes, but my body was just in so much pain, probably because I also only got 1 hour of sleep the night prior (should have went to bed sooner.)
around midnight (so now 3/19 at this point) I decided to go back in to be checked since at this point I was already in labor for close to 24 hours. I was stuck at 3cm. Mentally at this point I knew my plans had to change for my own physical and mental health. I was exhausted.
I was admitted and they decided after a few hours of rest and no progression to break my waters. Things moved very quickly after that. My contractions were unbearable and my entire body was shaking. I was trying to hard to get into that deep relaxation, but the pain was overtaking.
Someone once said there is a difference between pain and suffering. I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible so i decided to get the epidural which I was so afraid of. For me, the epidural was amazing. I had complete control over my legs (must have had a good anesthesiologist!) but the pain was gone. I relaxed for 2 hours and they came to check me. They couldn’t believe I was already at 10cm and +1 station.
Another hour later, Leo was born!
I just wanted to say that even though my first birth did not go how I envisioned, I 100% still believe in the power of hypnobirthing and I don’t regret your class one bit. The breathing techniques I learned 100% helped me through pushing. I only had a small first degree tear and I beared down and would breathe in between every push. Your class was also amazing because it gave Austin the tools and confidence to help keep me calm throughout the whole experience.
I appreciate you so much Tiffany! I was so bummed at first but it was my first time, next time may be a totally different experience And I would 100% recommend you to EVERYONE!!
Thank you for everything and for listening to my birth story 😇
Branko ~ Born July 26, 2021 ~7 lbs. 2 oz. 19-3/4” long
Hi Tiffany! Thanks again for the refresher back on May. We were able to have baby boy free of any interventions (no episiotomy 🙌🏽 no pokes for IV) this time and he came within about 3 hours of contractions starting. He will be one month tomorrow ❤️!
Mae Aurelia Adas ~ Born November 1, 2018 ~ 7 lbs. 2 oz. 19” long
On the morning of November 1st, I woke up naturally around 8 AM. After going to the bathroom, I concluded that my amniotic sac possibly had a leak in it; so, I decided to call my doctor’s office. They suggested that I go to the hospital, but I asked if I could instead come into the office since I was not having any surges nor did I feel any sense of urgency. I simply wanted the doctor to confirm if I had sprung a leak.
Jamal and I drove to the doctor and checked in with the doctor at 9:30 AM. Dr. Beals examined me and stated that my amniotic sac was still intact, but that I was dilated 3cm. He said to go home, have a snack, walk around, and head to the hospital when my surges were 4-5 minutes apart. He assumed that he would see us at the hospital later that day, but also warned that the labor might take me through until the following morning. We followed directions and went home. Soon enough, I was experiencing surges about seven minutes apart. I continued to move around and use my surge breath when necessary. Within an hour, my surges were about four-five minutes apart. At this point, we decided to head to the hospital.
Jamal and I checked into triage at the hospital at 12:30. My surges continued to be about 5 minutes apart, and I was dilated 4cm when I checked in. My blood pressure was high upon checking into triage so they had to do bloodwork to rule out preeclampsia before they would admit me to Karmanos Natural Birthing Center. Luckily, my blood pressure came down after practicing intentional calming breaths in between surges.
At 3 PM, the nurse stated that they were going to send me home because I was only 4cm dilated. Since it was my first delivery, they thought it might be awhile before I was dilated to 5 or 6cm, which is where they wanted me to be before admitting me. I had been in triage for 2.5 hours at that point and my surges were occurring much more frequently. I asked them to check my dilation again before sending me home because I was convinced my labor was progressing. The nurse checked, and I was 6cm dilated with a bulging bag.
And so at 3:30PM, we were admitted into Karmanos and taken to our “home” for the next day or two. Upon entry, the room was dim, meditative music played, images of mountains and oceans flashed on the television, and the tub was full of warm water. It was a very welcoming environment. The nurse informed me that she would check on us every half hour and listen to the baby’s heartbeat using a Doppler, and then she left us to labor in peace.
For the next three hours, I labored in the tub, bounced on the birthing ball, practiced toilet sitting, walked around, and leaned on Jamal for support. At about 5 pm, the nurse checked and stated that I was 8cm dilated. She then called my doctor who arrived within the half hour.
By 6:30PM, I was ready to breathe the baby down. There was no denying it, my body and my labor transitioned, and I knew the baby would be Earthside soon. The only people in the room at this point were Jamal, my doctor, a nurse, and me. It was quiet, dark, and calm. I was left to listen to my body, alternating birth breathing and resting -- nearly falling asleep in between. At 8:14PM, my darling girl made her debut. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to my body and mind for bringing this baby into the world, and absolute love for this new human. She is my greatest accomplishment yet!
Norah & Jack ~ Born August 23, 2017 ~6 lbs. 7 oz. 19-1/2” & 6 lbs. 1 oz. 17-1/2”
My husband and I had always gone back and forth about having kids. Realizing that we needed to make a decision, we decided we would try to have a baby. We had been trying to conceive for 6 months when I was recommended to see a fertility doctor. After a number of visits, exams, and tests, in November, I was told that I would not be able to conceive and if I did, I wouldn’t be able to carry any baby full term. I was devastated. December came and I decided that they were wrong and that we would try again. -I woke up on Dec. 26 and one of my fertility apps on my phone reminded me to take a pregnancy test. I was fully expecting it to be negative, just like the rest, and almost decided against taking one, I didn’t want to be disappointed again. But something told me to take it. Much to my surprise, two very faint lines appeared.
I knew that babies and moms did much better postpartum with a natural delivery. And, even with twins, that was my goal. I started researching natural birthing classes, techniques, and ordered a ton of books. I came across a referral for Tiffany’s class from a few girls I took yoga with. They had told me how great she had been and how much it had helped them. I went home, and signed my husband and myself up.
I started having complications and was hospitalized. I was put on a medication to help me with my symptoms, but I had to be very careful and follow strict guidelines. Eventually I would be put on medical leave from work and unable to drive myself. To say that I was struggling at this point would be an understatement. I expected my pregnancy to be hard, but not that hard. My anxiety was through the roof, I was stressed out, and I believe at times, having mini-panic attacks. I knew that I needed help to calm myself down, feeling like this wasn’t good for me or the babies. That’s when we started hypnobirthing classes.
-At first, I wasn’t sure if hypnobirthing was right for me. Let me preface that statement with the fact that I am a controlling person and letting go has always been one of my challenges. But, the more that we went, the more I found myself “letting go,” even if it was just a little.
-In class we would practice breathing, and discussed different strategies and positions for birthing. We even discussed being our own advocates and what to expect before and during labor. I would go home and listen to the rainbow relaxation and practice some of the breathing techniques. I found that In order to be successful with the breathing techniques, I had to be completely relaxed and let go of any tension I had. With each class, and every practice, I found myself feeling stronger, more in control of my pregnancy, calmer, and less anxious. I was learning that I wasn’t in control and regardless of what would happen, I needed to be flexible and accepting of it.
-This was especially true when I realized that my goal of having a natural birth wasn’t going to happen because one of my babies was breech. During this time, Tiffany supported me with some visuals that I hung on my fridge. Every day I would look at the picture and visualize my babies in a birthing position. Unfortunately, the baby didn’t turn and my c-section was scheduled.
-A few days prior to my surgery, I was in the hospital for an ultrasound and NST. There was a potential issue which caused me to start surging. I had experienced surges before, however, these were a little stronger. During this time, I was able to use the surge breathing techniques to help me get through it. I was proud of myself for handling them so well. Eventually they would slow down and we were sent home.
-Even though I knew I couldn’t have a natural birth, I was able to use the breathing to get me through my tough times. Anytime I started feeling anxious, I closed my eyes and started breathing. Within minutes, I felt better. The techniques and strategies that I learned in class have extended to much more than just labor and delivery. It’s amazing how Tiffany’s hypnobirthing birthing class can help you in other ways outside of birthing. I found that I used it in “real life” too.
-Tiffany was great. She is very knowledgeable, comes from a place of experience and has a very calming demeanor. She never put any pressure on any of us, she let us navigate our own pregnancy and come up with our own birth plan, teaching us to be our own biggest advocates.
Clara ~ Born in Canada ~ June 27, 2018 ~ 2.749kg ~ 51 cm (6 lbs. ~21" long )
Hi Tiffany, Say hello to Clara, born yesterday in an unplanned home birth. We are healthy and doing very very well, thanks God! Marcelo was amazing during birth and the midwives said that I was also amazing. Total of 7h but only 3 pushes and little Clara was here with us. We worked around our fast labor based on your words, thank you for that. Marcelo got me hydrated, and remembering that I had to breath the baby out and relax my month.... We had music on all the time, dimmed light and warm water.
Our plan was to stay at home until the last minute and when the midwife arrived to first check me, she said it was the last minute already I couldn’t handle a car anymore and we decided for a home birth, which was Marcelo wish the whole time....
Then, my mom helped me in the bath while Marcelo and the midwife rearranged the house for the birth. Marcelo did an amazing job, since the midwife couldn’t handle her heavy stuffs and he transformed our bedroom so fast, I wasn’t even aware they were doing it....
She was born June 27th 1:14 am, 51 cm and 2,749kg, 37 weeks of a perfect pregnancy.
She is already gaining weight instead of losing.... such an amazing little girl blessed by God.
Ophelia Rae ~ Born July 5, 2017 ~8 lbs. 2 oz. ~ 20-1/2" long
I took Tiffany's class in my second trimester, slightly skeptical, but interested, due to having a not-so-pleasant, medicated, difficult first birth I was not in control of. This time, I was informed I needed an induction again and let me tell you, I was petrified! Well, on the morning of July 5th I went in for my scheduled induction. I was at 2cm and they started the induction with Cytotec until I got to 4cm where they broke my water. Labor hit and I started the methods Tiffany taught. I focused on my breathing, got on the birth ball, walked around, sat with the shower water on my back, sat in the bath, listened to the Rainbow, practiced other exercises, I was doing great! Surges were a breeze to my surprise! It was a whole different ball game! I completed after about 4 hours of labor, I breathed baby down and delivered my beautiful Ophelia Rae within 20 minutes of this! No tearing, no complications, just a happy healthy baby and a happy healthy mama! She was 8lbs 2oz and 20.5in. I never expected to be this successful when walking into my first class, Tiffany completely changed my outlook on birth!
We're made for this!
Gianna ~ Born February 17, 2017 ~7 lbs. 6 oz. ~ 20" long
We would like to introduce you to our little princess Gianna 😊
She was born on 02-17-2017 at 1726hrs at St. John's Providence.
Based on our experience and how my wife dealt with the birthing experience, we can firmly say that the breathing techniques really does the magic! It is like a way to channelize your energy, and then her body seemed to have like automatically taken care of getting the baby out.
The breathing techniques Tiffany Timmins taught really helps... So a tip to all the ladies who are yet to deliver is to practice and focus on breathing exercises... And most importantly, have faith in yourself and stay calm! You can do it
Luciana Sofia ~ Born March 2, 2016 ~ 5 lbs. 15 oz. ~ 19-1/4" long
I just wanted to update you that our little girl, Luciana Sofia, was born Wednesday March 2nd at 11:20 am. She is so perfect and we are over the moon!
"On Tuesday, March 1st, around 3:00 am, I woke up to use the bathroom and noticed that I was bleeding. We called the on-call doctor and he told us to go to the hospital to get looked at. They checked me in triage and I was dilated to a 1-1/2. They checked me an hour later and again another hour later and I hadn't dilated anymore. They sent us home. I stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Went to see my doctor for my weekly check at 4 and was still at a 1-1/2. He guessed baby would still cook for another week! We went home and I relaxed before getting into bed. My water broke. It was Tuesday night at 9:30. We went to the hospital. After a few hours at the hospital of my contractions not coming closer than 20 minutes apart, the doctors decided to give me pitocin to help get my contractions. While that wasn't in my initial plan, it was the safest option for baby and me. After a few hours I decided to get an epidural. I used the breathing techniques you taught during each surge, and breathed through them. Once I started pushing people kept asking how I was being so quiet and if I was okay. I never yelled screamed or made a sound. I breathed her down during every surge even when I wasn't surging, I was deep breathing and my nurses and doctors were amazed that even when I wasn't surging her head was coming out. She and I were both happy and alert after delivery and she's been absolutely perfect!
As soon as she came out the doctor placed her on my chest, and we enjoyed our hour of uninterrupted skin to skin time. Luciana was staring right into my eyes and was so calm and content. My doctor also delayed clamping her cord for us. I had a happy and beautiful birth and am looking forward to more!"
Annabelle Marie ~ Born December 12, 2015 ~ 8 lbs. 3 oz. ~ 20" long
You can definitely announce her birth.. she was born 12/12 @10:28am, 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 in long, only 3.5 hour labor
She's here!! If only the holidays could've been as easy and simple as her birth. Lol. I was in labor for 3.5 hours. Water broke at 6:30am, surges started at 7am, had her at 10:28am at ABC... everyone was amazing. Micheal was so encouraging. The staff was so loving, understanding etc... can't say enough good things about them. Honestly, it was a magical experience. I birthed on all fours on the bed and Micheal caught her... Annabelle Marie. We are so in love too! The boys are amazing with her... Our eldest is like a little daddy to her. It's so precious! I'd love for you to meet her! She's a very good baby--not so patient though. Lol... like her mama. We had an awesome Christmas--hope you and your family did as well!!
Yes, we were blessed to have such an amazing experience. I've been spreading the word about calm, confident birthing through Birthing By Calm HypnoBirthing. Our parents are now advocates too! They were in awe! and they've been spreading the word!
Thank you so much for telling us about ABC... it was so worth it. I would've never imagined that birth experiences could really be that amazing, but we feel so lucky that ours was.
Parker Scott ~ Born July 20, 2015 ~ 6 lbs. 15 oz. ~ 19" long
At 4:00 am on the 20th I woke up out of a sound sleep, went to roll over to my other side, and felt a pop. A second later... gush! My water broke...The cramps felt nothing like the Braxton Hicks I had experienced, so after awhile I started timing them and realized they were coming every 4 1/2 minutes and lasting 60-90 seconds - they were real contractions!
The most comfortable position to labor in was in a squat with my head and arms leaned/draped over on the edge of the bed. Nathan rubbed my head, did light touch massage, gave me Hypnobirthing cues, cold compresses, and pressed on my lower back.
By 6:45 am I could no longer talk through contractions. They were 3 minutes apart and I was feeling pressure. My mom called the midwife and she got here, I believe, at 7:15 am. She immediately dropped her stuff and started working with my dad to get the pool filled before Parker was born on the floor.
7:45 am I got into the pool. And boy, did the water help. Despite the pressure waves being 1 1/2 - 2 minutes apart and lasting 60-90 seconds (many of them double-peaking), I was able to just breathe and moan through them. I started to feel nauseous and my midwife said the baby would be here within the next hour.
My body started pushing Parker out at 8:00 am. Birth breathing came in SO handy. I loved it. Even my midwife was amazed that my body was bringing him down and out all on its own. Once his head was out, I felt his body squirming around inside of me still - weirdest feeling ever! Lol. One more push and he made his entrance into the outside world; caught by his daddy. And thankfully my sweet sister was able to capture that moment on camera. Priceless!
Start to finish was 4 1/2 hours. A very quick, highly intense 4 1/2 hours. There was no clock in the room so I had no concept of time, which I found to be helpful. As my midwife was walking out the door she said to Nathan and my mom, "Make sure she calls me sooner next time." Lol.
Over all, it was such a wonderful, beautiful experience. I wouldn't change a thing. We are loving every second with our sweet baby boy. Thank you for all of your teaching & guidance!
Summer Lane ~ Born June 29, 2015
~ 7 lbs. 14 oz. ~ 20" long
We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter! Summer Lane was born on June 29th at 3:57am weighing 7lbs 14oz and measuring 20in long.
Summer's birth was beautiful and couldn't have gone any better. At about noon on Sunday I started to feel some lower back pressure and some cramping. I was a little concerned as I really wanted my mom to be here and her flight was scheduled for Tuesday night. Luckily my dad switched her flight so she was scheduled to arrive at 1:00am (just 3 hours to spare). I went about my afternoon- got my nails done, did laundry, and made dinner. At about 8:30pm I started to feel more pressure waves so I got into bed and listened to a fear clearing tape. During labor I found comfort switching positions periodically, laboring in the tub, and having Todd or my mom pressing on my low back. At about 3:00am Todd called the midwife as my mom suggested that it would probably be a good time to head in to the ABC. However, the midwife told Todd that in my chart it said that I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible, so she suggested that there was no rush to get to there. Because of that, I agreed and said that I would like to stay at home a bit longer; however, to my surprise, Summer was ready to come. I felt the urge to surge down, which my mom realized and we started to make our way down the stars and into the car. But, we never made it to the car. Summer was born at the bottom of the stairs with assistance from my mom and Todd. The cord was wrapped around her neck so it took her a little bit to wake up, but she is healthy and happy! Todd called the ambulance, but once they arrived and I asked them to take me to ABC, they said it was out of the jurisdiction so I got myself off the stretcher, into the car and we drove ourselves to the ABC.
The ABC was wonderful! Todd and I are so pleased with the way everything turned out and we couldn't have done it without you! I will stay in touch and see you for our refresher course when we are ready for our second :)
Holly Denise ~ BornMay 10, 2015 ~Mother's Day ~ 7 lbs. 12 oz. ~ 20" long
I wanted to let you know that our baby girl was born on Mother's day at 11:57am. Her name is Holly Denise and she was 7 pounds, 12 oz and 20 inches long!
I had gestational hypertension and they tried to induce me on Wednesday, May 6th. However, when I arrived at the hospital my blood pressure had stabilized with Lebatolol and the cervadil they used to induce me did not progress me at all. Therefore, since baby Holly and I were doing well I went home to allow nature to take it's course. I woke up on Saturday, May 9th and knew I was in labor. The surges were getting stronger and closer together so Jeremy and I decided to head to the hospital. I do not remember times as everything is a blur. I had a 25-hour total labor/birth. It was hard work, but I was able to do it un-medicated thanks to Hypnobirthing and prenatal yoga!
Thanks for everything, Tiffany! :)
Collin ~ Born March 16, 2015 ~ 7 lbs. 8 oz. ~
Our experience with this second birth was completely different from our experience with our first child. I felt that I could trust my body to do what it needed to do to birth this baby gently and calmly. Our first nurse was very disappointed when she found out that our birth would be using Hypnobirthing as she had never experienced a Hypnobirthing birth and her shift was up a few hours after we had arrived. I felt that when our nurses and midwives were aware of our decision to use Hypnobirthing, we had a lot of support and much less intervention. While breathing through the surges, many of the nurses were in disbelief that I was actually in labor since our delivery room was so calm and relaxing. I fell asleep many times between surges. As I was breathing the baby down, more than once my midwife sat near the end of the bed and just watched me go through the process. I ended up pushing at the end of the birth, but only for 20 minutes or less. When Collin’s head came out, he was aware and looking around before the rest of him was birthed. That was pretty amazing. After the birth, Collin was very interested in latching on and nursing. I felt energized and relaxed. After we were transferred to the postpartum recovery room, we were visited by a few nurses at random who felt they had to tell us what an incredible birth we had had. I guess we were the talk of the ward!
Jackson ~ Born November 18, 2014 ~ 6 lbs. 5 oz. 20" long
“All in all it was a pretty amazing experience and to “catch” my baby at the end was even more exhilarating. And I will definitely agree that I had so much energy afterwards by going natural. I was alert, eating and holding him at the same time right after. I hear so many stories of moms passing out and sleeping right after because they’re exhausted, but for me I was so awake and it was great to just enjoy him during his first few moments of life.
I really think hypnobirthing classes helped and we even hired a doula at the last minute and she was familiar with it.
I’m so happy we went this route and thank you for being a part of our journey.
Emmalina Grace ~Born November 13, 2014 ~ 7 lbs. 10 oz. ~ 21" long
Baby O'Brien ~ Born July 10, 2014 ~ 9 lbs. 7 oz. ~ 21" long
Tristan Alexander James ~ Born August 15, 2013
“They called my OB to come back to the hospital. A few minutes later I said ok she’s coming! They said no not yet. I said yup, look! They checked me and each time I breathed down you could see her head of hair. I asked for a mirror, that was awesome to watch! A healthy baby girl was born at 12:03pm. My OB arrived about 20 minutes after she was born. He thought he wouldn’t have to come back until 5pm that day but baby wanted out fast!
So even though I was induced, I pretty much had a natural birth and felt everything because neither epidural worked. I got to breathe my baby down instead of push. I was even able to get up and walk around and shower immediately after she was born. I was actually glad the epidural didn’t work and I was happy that I was able to at least use some of the hypnobirthing techniques I learned, even after induction!!! It really helped to calm all my fears that I had about birth... And the most weird thing, the actual birth process, (not the surges), was my absolute favorite part of pregnancy! ”
“Coming Soon
“At the end, all went well. :) I didn’t tear either. I had a very hard time getting his head out. His arm shoulder and head came out at the same time and that is why. He came out flying like superman. It was funny. When I would push his head would poke out a bit and then he would retract back in and disappear. The midwife said that was probably good because it helped stretch all the tissues. After the 3 hours she did offer me an episiotomy to deliver him faster but I told her no and that I would keep trying. She couldn’t guarantee me that I wouldn’t tear but she said if I did she would fix me up.
All in all it was a great experience. While I was going through it, I told myself I would never do it again. Now I would do it all over again :) Tristan is such a blessing. He is a sweet little boy and is already 6.5 months old. He smiles so much and is such a happy baby. He is a true blessing.
Thank you for educating us so much. I would have never switched to the midwife had it not been for you. I encourage my friends to go with a midwife now. I also would not have known about having a birth plan (even though they didn’t have mine...they only did intermittent monitoring and I never had an IV....they even let me drink water between contractions :)
Evander - Born July 2, 2013 ~ 7 lbs. 12 oz.
This baby boy was birthed at home and arrived before the midwife even got there! Labor started the night before but really got going in the a.m. of Evander's birthday. Dad, who had originally planned on being at mom's shoulders, ended up receiving his son, and he was born en caul (in the sac).
Me: (6:58 p.m.) Well, How you doing?
Mom: It's been a very eventful day! He was born at 1:30
Dad was great, helping me through the surges. They weren't getting closer together so I told the midwife to wait. I thought I had to go to the bathroom, but he had something else in mind. I definitely felt the difference and called my midwife. She asked me to get on all fours and he was born 15 mins. later. In the caul (amniotic sac) too."
Me: "Amazing! That doesn't happen very often. Very special. Are you happy?
Mom: "Yea, I can't believe it still, but I'm so grateful to you and the class. I would have had a different experience I'm sure.
Me: It makes me so happy to hear that! Thank you, but you wanted it and you were there yesterday. You were so calm. Good job!! How's your hubby? He wasn't even going to be down there.
Me: Yea I thought that it was so funny you asked that question yesterday. He was actually great. Adrenaline kicked in and there wasn't much time to think.
Me: So funny. ;) I love it!
Adrienne Louise ~ February 29th, 2012 Leap Year Baby! ~ 9 lbs. 7 oz. ~ 22" long
Sessions with Tiffany were beneficial to me and my husband in so many ways. Her calm voice and gentle guidance helped us prepare for the birth of our bundle of joy. We learned coping techniques for birth and even everyday life, we also enjoyed much needed relaxation during our sessions!
I can’t imagine the birth of Adrienne without Tiffany. She was my rock and helped me get through some difficult times when I needed her most. Having someone experienced with birth and being an advocate for you during the birth process releases you of your worries and allows you to focus on the most important job of the day, bringing life into the world! We are forever thankful for her presence and guidance on a very special day.